Our expertise and experience providing innovative design & web based solutions is what we do best.

A Sampling of Select Projects From Our Vast Portfolio

CBS 58 - WDJT Milwaukee, Wisconsin
A very complex site, which we are very proud to have designed from the ground up. The site currently is serving over 10,000 unique visitors per day along with a half a million page views per month. The site uses 3 dedicated servers to deliver content which we maintain and host. One server for the website files, a server for the database (which delivers content) and a server to deliver videos. The site has many unique features from online contest to weather maps, all designed by us.
The Armed Forces Foundation - Washington, D.C.
We are very proud to be associated with the Armed Forces Foundation and the great work they do. The site features a very unique navigation system and a custom designed layout. We handle all the maintenance and updates for the AFF website. The Armed Forces Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to proving solace to members of the Armed Forces community during their time of greatest need.
Wholesale Replacement Hardware - Williamsport, Maryland
Wholesale Replacement Hardware is a highly successful million dollar sales e-commerce site that was custom developed and maintained by us. The site features over 7000 products with a secure custom designed shopping cart system. WR Hardware, was founded in 1976 to provide Schools, Institutions, Housing Authorities, Apartments, Government entities, and Re-sellers with hard-to-find replacement parts as well as new replacement parts at a very affordable price.